I just want to pause whatever I am doing for one minute, everyday, and remember death! It will happen to me and all of us one day, I ask myself am I ready to meet my Lord, Allah, the Almighty? What have I prepared and sent forth?

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

best friend

what is the exactly definition of best friend??? how to measure it?? is there anyone who can answer this question?
Aku masih bingung tentang apa itu teman baik, teman dekat, sahabat karib, atau apa sajalah istilahnya... Yang aku tahu hanyalah aku suka berteman!

Aku punya teman yang aku kenal dari TK dan sampe sekarang masih sering jalan bareng. Apa itu termasuk best friend? Teman-teman yang aku kenal and akrabi di SD pun masih ketemu meski cuma kadang-kadang, karena semua sudah punya aktivitas sendiri-sendiri. Teman apakah itu?

Lalu, aku di SMK juga punya teman satu kelas yang dari pertama masuk hingga lulus selalu bersama-sama. Bersama-sama selama 3 tahun, 6 hari dalam seminggu, mulai dari pukul 07.00-14.30! They were such a crazy family for me! So, are they my best friend or just classmates?? Atau teman yang tidak satu kelas tapi kita sering bersama....

Now, in university, I also have 'best friend' (or maybe 'close friend') to whom I spend my time together. We laugh and tears together. I love them much!

Selain itu, ada juga teman-teman lain. I have Amelie Quack, my bule Jerman and gila (originnaly cited as she wrote in my book!) :-) We've known each other not more than 2 weeks but she is such wonderful friend of mine. She is AWESOME! I just think that I've known her for a long time before this year. Hyaaaa..... I MISS You, Dear...
So, I don't care whatever the definition of best friend. Everyone may have definition.
For me, my friends, all,
are important for me... and they have their own part in my heart!

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