I just want to pause whatever I am doing for one minute, everyday, and remember death! It will happen to me and all of us one day, I ask myself am I ready to meet my Lord, Allah, the Almighty? What have I prepared and sent forth?

Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

My Dream... Our Dream!

Standing there is my dream… Not only mine, but ours!
I’ve kept it for nine years!
I’ve fell down for several times…but never forget my dream because there is someone there who is waiting for me.
Being the best is just an extra gift for me… an extra pride for him!

Bapak: Pak, it was my promise to bring the pride for you, again. It is our dream to be there together! It’s for you!! You’re not here anymore but I know that you’re nearby and looking at me at this time, with that special way…Miss you so much! :’)

Ibu: Bu, it might be not your main dream, but thanks for being with me to reach my dream. This is also for your loves, prays, cares and other sacrifices. Thank you for standing beside me.. I’ve never said “I love you” but never doubt my love for you. I love you more than you can imagine, more than myself! :*

Perhaps, you’re not the perfect parents in the world but you’re the best parents for me. You’re nothing for this world but you’re my world, my everything because you’ve loved me perfectly! I’ll always try to give you my best because you’re the best thing that I’ve ever had!! May Allah bless you…and save you a place in heaven…

-graduation note, 2011-

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